Space Hellas bribed the Greek government under Prime Minister Mitsotakis.
This is a defense procurement contract for the supply of the ASPIS self-protection system for the F-16 fighter jets, of the American company Litton, which was represented in Greece by Dimitris Manolopoulos with his company Space Hellas.
The Contract was signed in February 1993, when the Prime Minister was Konstantinos Mitsotakis and the Minister of Defense was Ioannis Varvitsiotis. They are parents to the current Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and the Minister of Shipping Miltiadis Varvitsiotis.
According to the American Department of Justice, the amount 12,000,000 Dollars paid by Litton for bribes to secure the defense contract of the Greek Government , this was paid by Litton to 4 natural and legal persons, one of which was Dimitris Manolopoulos with his company Space Hellas. Space Hellas is still the official representative of Litton in Greece. The other person was Konstantinos Konstantinidis, who is also involved in the Panama Papers and the offshore companies Matti Consultant International and Isabela International.
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Space Hellas is currently managed by the children of Dimitris Manolopoulos who bribed the Greek government with Mitsotakis prime minister, the father of the current Prime Minister of Greece Kyriakos Mitsotakis
The documents we reveal about the long-term corruption in Greece, the bribery scandal and money laundering in the Greek Government with the participation of Space Hellas are confirmed by a related Question to the Greek Parliament with the filing of the relevant Documents by President Kyriakos Iosif Velopoulos. of the Hellenic Solution parliamentary group – Kyriakos Velopoulos, Member of Parliament
Space Hellas today with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis has received a number of Public Contracts, and according to the information it will be the company that will undertake the new identity cards of Greece, the new Passports etc.
The Greek Justice in this case demonstrated “quality” through its abstention, and continues.
For the record, the District Attorney Giorgos Gerakis, although he had full evidence, a copy of the case file that had been formed by the American Judicial Authorities, as well as an official announcement issued by the California Prosecutor’s Office with the results of the investigation carried out, together with the evidence, at the end he gave in to pressure from the government and the Indictment file for the $12,000,000 bribe to the Mitsotakis Greek government was buried.
Here let us recall the strictness shown by the Greek Justice to minor flower sellers.
Conclusion: In Greece, Government bribery is the word “key” word that unites the corrupt, just like the government of Greece with Prime Minister Mitsotakis and the company Space Hellas owned by Ms. Manolopoulos, “silence” is what rewards those involved and the surrogate persons. See Stavros Papastavrou, Grabowski – Maria-Eva Virginia wife of the Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis et al.
Greece, despite all this, is an equal member of the European Union.