Criminal offences related to unregistered 1.500.000 euros in the Municipality of Rhodes!

Criminal offences related to unregistered 1.500.000 euros in the Municipality of Rhodes, a number of illegal acts performed by the Mayor in the Municipality of Rhodes.

Minutes of Rhodes City Council reveals 1.500.000 Euros without records nor filling in accordance to Tax Law neither registration and missing from the accounts of the City Council the recordings of the information data of at least 1.500.000 euros – MINUTES nr. B4PSH1R-OTE

Crimes, although known to the Greek Public Prosecutors, the benefits more from the cover-up of the crimes than from their prosecution in accordance to law.

πρακτικό δημοτικού συμβουλίου ΔΗΜΟΣ ΡΟΔΟΥ 1500000 ευρω χωρις εγγραφες Β4ΣΨΩ1Ρ-ΟΤΕ (1)

The case is relevant with the criminal offences of the former and present Mayors of Municipality of Rhodes in the participation of the company’s WIND PARK OF RHODES S.A., share capital and investments to connected companies from unlawful Bank loans, and the involvement of well-known individuals from other corruption case and  criminal acts in Greece and USA.

The case is part of the Criminal network PLS SEE HERE