I was recruited, and trained by theN.I.S and acted as a spy in Turkey forthe Greek interests, despite beingan internationally wanted person. In my capacity as a former secret agent of the NationalIntelligence Service — N.I.S. with espionage action inTurkey and elsewhere,I, Emmanuel Ath. Hatzisavvas, descent from AgiosIsidoros, Rhodes, in order for the Greeks to understandthe plot and betrayal against me, together to protectmyself from an insidious attack that I received here inDenmark, where I am,I am forced to present secret espionage evidence andsecret files to prove the truth,to clarify what has been slandered about me by peoplesuch as the president of ANEL Mr. Panos Kammenos, theformer Minister of Defense, and former Member ofParliament,everything that was never answered in the PlenarySession of the Parliament, despite the fact that a largenumber of Questions were submitted by MPs to theresponsible ministers, and the Prime Ministers of Greeceabout my action as a spy in Turkey whose sole purposewas to defend the National interests of Greece.and last, I put before everyone their responsibilities,especially those Prosecutors who refused to seethe ex-officio crimes that I reported to them.