GR Secret Service and EurActiv, the same boss

Yiannis Roubatis Director General of National Intelligence Service (NIS – Greek Secret Service) has been the shadow man of EurActiv media network in Greece.

EurActiv kept secret the fact that Yiannis Roubatis was the head of the Secret Service (NIS) in Greece while he was acting on their behalf and for their interest at the same time.

This secret kept safe behind a Greek NGO with no public records.

Yiannis Roubatis the Director General of the Greek National Intelligence Service (NIS) with a “shadow” network of Greek NGOs kept secret his control at EurActiv news in Greece.

This NGO used for this cover-up was the so called EIPE- European Institute for Education and Culture that had the ownership-control to administrate and direct news exclusively.

When this information came to our knowledge Yiannis Roubatis deleted all files in an effort to leave no trace of their existence, he believed that he was saved. Αt the same time created a fictional spy story against him to cover his illegal actions. The science fiction scenario was helped to be created by supposedly reputable Newspapers in Greece ‘I KATHIMERINI’ and ‘TA NEA’ their journalists who published the fake news to help the further exposure of the Commander of the Hellenic National Intelligence Service (NIS Yiannis Roubatis. Let’s assume that all this had a price.

Σχεδιο υπονομευσης της ΕΥΠ

But all the information, documented evident in our possession for to prove otherwise.

Yiannis Roubatis duties, i.e. been the head of the Greek Secret Service (NIS) and the owner of Greek EurActiv media network, both in conflict with Greek national interest as he was sponsored-paid by Turkish sources.


Many could ask today what kind and how many information he was selling to the Turks in order to be so generously sponsored by them.

EurActiv also enter in to agreement with the world’s leading geopolitical intelligence platform STRATFOR

SOS FILE STRATFOR EURACTIV Agreement w signatures_watermark

Worth mentioning that EurActiv receives financial support from EU and other private sources.

eipe details_watermark

Our Projects - European Institute of Education and Culture_watermark

La coalition au pouvoir en Grèce joue un jeu dangereux – EURACTIV.fr_watermark

Cooperations - European Institute of Education and Culture_watermark

Content Partners – EurActiv prnt 7 april 2016_watermark

La dernière réunion des trois dirigeants de la coalition au pouvoir en Grèce au lendemain de la décision inattendue de fermer l’ERT, la société publique de radiodiffusion, n’aboutira pas nécessairement à des élections, même si ce n’est pas exclu, écrit Yiannis Roubatis.

Yiannis Roubatis, ancien eurodéputé grec du PASOK, est le fondateur et l’éditeur d’EURACTIV Grèce.

With a network of more than 100 journalists EurActiv claims to be the most reliable media network for European news, and how that could be different when the source of information is Yiannis Roubatis the Director General of the Greek National Intelligence Service (NIS). comes with many cooperations between European Politicians, EU officials and contributions through cooperation with Think Tanks; and NGOs notably Mr. SOROS founded NGO “Open Society Foundations” [ ] [ ]

Today Sept. 2022

Yiannis Roubatis appears to be a multimillionaire in Euros as he and his wife managing a company that its capital is over 20MN EUR, owner of minimum 2 Villas with undeclared source of income at the prestigious location in Lagonisi, Attica, Greece

Further,Yiannis Roubatis he is questioned by the Greek Parliamentary Special Examinations Office regarding a number of illegal surveillances and other illegal acts.

In addition,Yiannis Roubatis in accordance to lawsuit filed against him by the female official Mrs. A.R. secret service agent, he is accused for continuous sexual harassment, the Court hearing is pending. Reports say the case is being delayed by corrupt officials of the Justice in order Roubatis illegal acts to become subject to statute of limitations.